The events revolve around the teacher (Sodfa), who finds herself involved in a marriage that she does not know anything about
In the framework of suspense and excitement, the series revolves around the girl (Rahil), who lives a simple and quiet life,
A series of separate social dramatic tales, including "The Tale of a Big Bear", which deals with the world of celebrities and
The events revolve around a love story between Jesus and Sarah since their birth, but it goes through a lot of obstacles and
The girl (Dalida) suffers a nervous shock in her childhood due to the death of her mother in front of her eyes, and enters in
(Ghada Adel) seeks to recover her right to the inheritance of her father, who died without anyone knowing that he had a daugh
Discovers Belle's wife Sarah betrayed her husband leave, turn to her friend Dalia living a crisis with her friend (Akram) and
The events revolve around two friends, the mother of the first marries the father of the other to live all as a family, the t