The events revolve around the social effects of the earthquake of 1992 through Haj Mujahid, who was keen to raise money and polygamy, where the pilgrim falls under the ruins of the tower, which spent his savings in order to build it, leaving his family a legacy of disappointment and loss of hope. Hajj Afaf, the wife of Haj Mujahid, who was deprived of her husband's child, remains very loyal to her husband with the arrival of his two wives, whom he married without her knowledge, one of whom claims aziza and her children, and the second is Suad and her daughter samia, a student of the school of medicine. She improves their reception and lives in her home and takes care of them and spends on them and her mind and innate philosophy makes that group a social fabric intertwined. We see her helping my daughter's gift and her father to solve their problems and bring them to safety. Khaled, the third son of his loved one, was facing the pressures of unemployment and because of his difficult circumstances, he drifts in the stream of one of the terrorist groups and ends up dead. On the other hand, Suad marries Hussein and travels with him to Upper Egypt, but her daughter Samia marries her teacher in the university to evacuate the house again on The Need Afaf to face the troubles of loneliness after she made her best efforts to make everyone happy.