The events revolve around Abdul Hamid (Mahmoud al-Meligi), a self-styled, self-styled man who marries his two daughters Firdos (Tahani Rashad) to Shaker lawyer (Abu Bakr Ezzat) and Madiha (Ilham Shaheen) to Fathi (Mohammed Anani) to find that the house has become empty and begins to try to change his lifestyle And increasing his association with his secretary (Shirin) his young secretary and he residences with him in the house to take care of him, shaker begins to harass the secretary in the hidden and without her knowledge as he sows doubt in his daughters Firdos and her sister and turns them on their father and pushes them to raise a stone case while standing next to Abdul Hamid lawyer Daulat (Madiha Yousry) shows Abdul Hamid's innocence and returns to the way it was.